The Houseplant By Which All Stylists Vouch

This low-light-tolerant plant thrives with its variegated heart-shaped leaves and spindly vine. Pothos thrives in bright indirect light but can handle medium to low light and needs watering every one to two weeks.

1. Gold Pothos

Philodendrons have heart-shaped leaves and fast-growing tendrils like pothos. These adorable trailers make great hanging basket plants or urn spills.

2. Philodendron

This popular succulent needs lots of sunlight and little water. Its cooling, healing gel for burns is famous. Grow your collection by propagating mature plants.

3. Aloe Vera

This tropical flowering evergreen, one of the most popular indoor plants, thrives in indirect light, warm air, and moist soil. Give it plenty of sunlight and don't dry out the soil.

4. Peace Lily

This sculptural, sprawling tree with broad, wavy leaves stands out in large spaces. This beautiful tree needs lots of light and a warm, humid climate like its tropical home, making it difficult to care for.

5. Fiddle Leaf Fig

Spider plants' playful striped foliage and low maintenance have made them a houseplant classic. Their slim arching leaves make charming hanging pot displays. 

6. Spider Plant

Give this easygoing plant a bright window and water every few weeks to grow a tall, dramatic tree. The purple stems contrast with its deep evergreen leaves.

7. Rubber Tree

At least six hours of bright light, well-draining soil, and frequent watering in summer are ideal for these succulents. Slow-growing but hardy, their woody stems and plump round leaves are easy to propagate.

8. Jade Plant

The Swiss cheese plant, a tropical plant, can go without water and prefers indirect to medium light. The holey leaves spread and get leggy. Monsteras climb and need stake support once mature.

9. Monstera Deliciousa

These cute, low-growing plants are popular because they bloom year-round. African violet care requires patience. To avoid rot, use bright, indirect light and keep leaves dry.

10. Novel African Violet

Its bamboo-like stems make the Bamboo Palm pet-safe and low-light-tolerant. Rich, droopy fronds of this South American native bring the tropics indoors in a warmer room with indirect light.

11. Parlor Palm

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